Contraceptives are various means designed to protect against unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. Sex is not only a pleasant intimate process. Its consequences can be venereal diseases, as well as unplanned pregnancy. To avoid this, a couple should take care of contraceptives. Now there is a huge choice: these are drugs that provide temporary long-term “infertility”, and the means that work “here and now”, and even medicines that can prevent the consequences of unprotected intercourse “post factum”.
All contraceptives have a different Pearl Index: this term means the percentage of probability of getting pregnant using a method that has been calculated through research on hundreds of female volunteers. Each method has its pros and cons.
A wide range of modern contraceptive methods
Modern means of contraception is a wide range of drugs and products. Conditionally, methods can be divided into mechanical, chemical and hormonal, there are options for women and men. Many excellent medicines you can find here . Pharmaceutical consultants will also be happy to help you decide on the choice and reservation of contraceptives. Let us briefly describe the “pros” and “cons” of safe sex products to facilitate your choice.
- Oral contraceptives (pills) for daily use. A very high degree of protection, hormonal pills not only prevent unwanted consequences of sex, but also have a therapeutic prolonged effect: normalize the cycle, reduce unpleasant feelings during menstruation, and even used in the treatment of cancer patients. But such contraception does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases, has many contraindications and a large list of possible side effects.
- Band-Aids. They have the same effect as oral contraceptives, but it is a light version of hormonal contraceptives. The patch is simply glued to the skin (on the abdomen, hand, etc.). Hormones do not pass through the digestive tract, are suitable for forgetful ladies: patch is glued once in 3 weeks, then removed and glued new. Minuses – must be worn all the time, the patch can get dirty.
- Hormonal vaginal contraceptive rings. Means of the new generation. One contraceptive ring is enough for a month. It has the same power as oral contraceptives, but less pronounced possible side effects.
- Vaginal cream, suppositories (candles), tablets for local use. There is no need to constantly “sit” on the pills, protect against the causative agents of some diseases. But not everyone is comfortable to use such a remedy: it is used directly during the preliminary caress, there may be a local allergic reaction, and it is necessary to follow the special instructions for hygiene procedures before and after.
- Intrauterine spiral. They are installed for a long time (once in 5 years), which is convenient and cost-effective, provide a high degree of protection against pregnancy. Of the “drawbacks” of this contraceptive means – the possibility of falling out or displacement of the spiral, inflammation or heavy menstrual discharge.
- Suspensions for injection for intramuscular guidance. This is a new method of protection, which is also used to treat oncological diseases. The “shot” is given once in 14 weeks, it is a convenient reversible way to prevent pregnancy.
You can buy modern contraceptives and many other medicines on the Internet. For example, on the website you have the opportunity to choose reliable medicines and use them to eliminate health problems.